Welcome to Citeog Podcasts
We are a small Irish-based indie producer of quality original audio drama. Please click on the audio dramas below to find out more about them. You can find out how to support us by clicking on, you guessed it ‘Support Us’ which also contains information on our free and paid Patreon levels.
2023 Irish Podcast Awards Finalist
“Wickedly Inventive”
The Irish Independent (November 2024) on TEN APOCALYPSES:
“It might seem counterintuitive in these times of doom to choose Ten Apocalypses (Apple, Spotify; citeogpodcasts.com) – but it really does offer real-world escapism. It’s an anthology series of sorts from the same Citeog Podcasts stable as the immersive historical-fiction horror This House Will Devour You.
Fans of small but perfectly formed stories, radio dramas – and BBC TV’s Inside Number 9 – will enjoy these 10 time-hopping episodes set in Ireland and England, each one reframing end-of-days peril, from an asteroid on course to crash into the Earth in 1931 to a “botanical body horror” circa 1998 when a man wakes up to find lethal fungi growing underneath his fingernails. Wickedly inventive.”
The Sunday Independent called THIS HOUSE WILL DEVOUR YOU a newly hatched gem (December 2022) and said:
"Citeog's limited Irish drama series This House Will Devour You is perfectly timed for the fireside, its fictional Kilphaun Hall, Co Waterford, the setting for occultist skulduggery as the newly returned Captain Jon Ross and his English fiancée Elizabeth Sanderson arouse the suspicions of locals against the backdrop of post-Civil War Ireland."
THWDY 1 Trailer
THWDY 2 Trailer